Friday, July 5, 2013

Machining Experience

Over 25 years of machining experience has allowed our team to refine our machining and production practices at ALNO Product Services.

This refinement in the machining process has resulted in reducing production costs over time, looking back over time the refinements that contributed to the company’s longevity.

  • Overpowered Machine tools combined with setups with maximum rigidity.
  • Work holding systems that also maximum rigidity
  • Tool overhang should be minimized and extra support used when necessary.
  • Sharp tools be it high speed tool steels or carbide, tools require sharpening at regular intervals rather than only when necessary.
  • A good lubricant is required, such as compounded sulfurchlorinated mineral oil plus fatty oil for high-speed tools, and heavy duty emulsifiable oil for carbide tools.
  • The use of positive cuts and care should be exercised to avoid dwelling so as not to work harden the material.

In many cases the material selection at the engineering or design stage of the product deveploment process can assist or retard the efficiency of the machining process in terms of both dollars and time.

In general terms, free machining steels are carbon steels that have sulfur, lead, bismuth, selenium, tellurium, or phosphorus added.

Sulfur forms the compound manganese sulfide, which is soft and acts as a chip-breaking discontinuity. It also acts as a dry lubricant to prevent a built up edge on the cutting tool.
SAE Steel types Resulfurized – 1117, 1118 1119
Lead works in a similar way to sulfur.
SAE Steel types Leaded – 12L13, 12L14
Bismuth achieves a free machining steel by melting into a thin film of liquid for a fraction of a microsecond to lubricate the cut. Other advantages to bismuth include: more uniformly distributed because of its similar density to iron; more environmentally friendly, as compared to lead; yet still weldable.
Alloys of Bismuth – Cerrosafe, Rose Metal, Woods Metal

With vast experience in both machining and the selection of materials the team at ALNO Product Services offer efficient and yet effective machining practices, particularly with today’s competitive economic conditions combined with the strength in Australian Dollar offers a challenging environment for manufacturing in Australia.

For more information on efficient and yet effective machining practices contact ALNO Product Services today